Sunday, April 3, 2011

I need a haircut, again

I need a haircut again.

Ever since I decided to grow my hair, I now go to the barber shop every two weeks.

I used to have a "skinhead" for the past 15 years or more. That is why my visit to the barbershop then was like once a month.

I don't want to style my hair.

I never had a comb. I never had a gel or anything to put on my hair except shampoo.

I want to wake up not caring what my hair looks like.

Those are the reasons why I love my skinhead.

But, its almost a year now since I let my hair grow.

I don't know how long I can hold on. Hahaha.

Tomorrow, I will let the barber decide what kind of haircut I am going to get.

I just hope he does his job well.

Friday, April 1, 2011


It's more than a month now since this song became my favorite.

Have you read the lyrics of this song?

It's a sad song. :(

Ah, but its the best tune for all the heartbroken people out there. (Ipod repeat mode on)

The tune is catchy specially the "I'm falling to pieces" part.

This song is now the most played song in my Ipod.

The Script is actually coming to Manila for a concert on April 16, 2011.

I would love to go to their concert but we are scheduled to go to Camiguin for a wedding on that day.

I will just have to be contented with You Tube and my Ipod for now.