Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Swiss Miss at 3 in the morning

I slept early. It was around just past 9 pm last night that I went to sleep. I was out with blogger friends and had 2 bottles of SanMig Lights. I was glad that for almost a week now, I was sleeping and waking up early. Unfortunately today, I woke up earlier than usual. I woke up at exactly 1 am. This happend after a deep sleep and I was dreaming. It was a very restful sleep though. Now after 2 hours of officially being awake, im having Swiss Miss hot choco. My pomeranian beside me and a hot choco. . Ahhh. . love it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Still can't get over Steve Jobs death.

He was an Icon. A Maverick. A Rebel. A Visionary. A Tech Guru. An Innovator.

Here is one of his famous and very inspiring speech during the 2005 commencement exercise at Stanford.

Although I have heard this speech before. I kept on listening to this 15 minute speech now and it is truly inspiring.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs Dies at 56

It is a sad day for the tech world.

Steve Jobs dies at the age of 56.

Apple's founder will be remembered thru the tech that he created.

I always admire Steve for his charismatic personality and his visionary thinking.

My Ipad, Ipod, and Macbook Pro will forever remind me of him.

Thank you for everything Steve! You will be missed.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Today is teachers day. In my family there are a lot of teachers. My wife was a teacher for several years. My older brother is a teacher in the bible school. His wife is also a teacher in a public school. My paternal aunts and uncles were teachers. Even my aunt and younger brother were teachers (Clinical Instructors) in nursing schools.

Well, today I wish you all the best and may you be more inspired to teach others.

Happy teachers day to all of you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I want to Run!

I wanted to run, to jog or simply walk. Not just for fun but also for my health. I have been a couch potato for so long. I used to go to the gym. I used to go biking. I used to walk for hours. Now, I just see them all in my TV. My biggest exercise is a right click and a left click. Bummer. :) Well, I hope to go back to my active lifestyle again. . . soon.