Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I love the rain.

It's raining outside now.

It makes me want to go out and take a shower in the rain.

When I was younger, I love to bathe in the rain.

I remember my brother and I would stand under the downspout and enjoy the cold rain rushing down too cool our bodies.

We would splash, run, jump, and have fun under the rain. We really had a great time when we were kids.

I remember our hair would be as soft as silk after each shower and that our fingers would crinkle while we dress up and drink hot Milo.

I would want to go out and do the things I did back then. But now, when it rains, I would just sit inside my room and look out the window while listening to my favorite music in my Ipod.

I still love the rain. I do, and one of these days, I would go out to splash, run, jump and have fun in the shower of the rain.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wish: A new Cellphone

I'm planning to buy a new cellphone.

By next month, my current primary phone will be one year old.

I don't usually change cellphones that often but I have been irritated with my current phone, a Samsung Omnia Pro.

It has Windows Mobile 6.5, a great camera,wifi,qwerty keyboards,big screen and everything about it is almost perfect.

The problem is that, it freezes(hangs) on my daily use. Sometimes it hangs up to 4 times a day. This is really annoying me.

I think the problem is that Samsung decided to install their own UI to "enhance" WM6.5. This resulted in slowing down and the freezing of the device. Worst of all is that there is no way of disabling it unless you flash the rom with a new one.

I am a Windows Mobile user ever since it came out. I like the windows interface in my phone.

I had an Iphone, A Palm and a Symbian before but I keep coming back to a WM phone.

This time around I want to try an Android phone.

I am choosing between the HTC Wildfire and the SE Xperia X10 Mini Pro

I like the HTC because of its big screen and its UI. But I want a keyboard on my phone. Not a virtual one but an actually qwerty that I can feel with my thumb.

I like the Xperia because it is small and has the keyboard that I wanted. But I think it is pricey.

Hmmm. . choices choices. .

I can't decide now but I'm bent on changing my phone before the end of the week.

I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Wonder: Why my Internet Connection is so slow!

I don't know if it is just my connection or is the internet really slow since the earthquake in Japan happened?

I saw some Plurks about it.

I also Plurked about it.

Ria told me that it was due to the earthquake and that some cables where cut.

I don't know what happened but it surely is annoying.

I could not even connect to speedtest.net to verify the speed of my connection.

This reminds me of the pre DSL connections. . .when I was still in dial up to connect to the internet.

Oh well, I guess this is better than nothing.

Am I thankful by the way that this slowing of my internet connection is the only consequence that I have to deal with after the Japan earthquake.

Still very thankful that the tsunami did not hit our country.

Thoughts and prayers are still for the Japanese who lost a lot in the tsunami.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Hits Japan Today

It's a tragic news.

Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast

I didn't even know about it until my cellphone received several sms of a tsunami warning.

I watched on the evening news how the waters arrived and washed away the cars, buildings and other things that got in the way.

Very tragic indeed. I'm pretty sure tomorrow we will have an actual assessment on how much damage was made.

Never mind the buildings and cars, human lives are far more valuable than the former.

It's another sad day for all of us.

I won't write much about the NEWS because i'm sure there will be a lot of sources for this.

I'm just bothered by what is happening to the world lately.

As I have said in my post yesterday. CARPE DIEM. Let's live everyday as if it were our last.

Live. . Pray. .Love.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Carpe Diem!


That's what it means.

The movie Dead Poet's Society popularized this phrase.

I read somewhere that it came from a line in Horace in his Odes.

If you really think of it, we should live life as if there is no tomorrow for tomorrow is always uncertain.

We should capture each opportunity that comes along, for some of them only comes once.

An idle brain is the devil's workshop. Let's be productive.

Seize the day with your love one's, your family and your friends.

Enjoy life to the fullest. Don't waste time.

By Horace:
"Dum loquimur, fugerit invida
Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero"

it means:

While we are talking, envious time is fleeing: pluck the day, put no trust in the future.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Missed: My Insomnia

I have always had Insomnia.

I don't know why.

Maybe I was programmed with the sleeping chip missing in my motherboard.

However lately, I'm not having problems sleeping at all.

This is a good thing right? Well I guess so.

It used to be that I don't sleep in the afternoon because that would mean a 2am sleep that night.

It used to be that I don't drink iced tea, which is a favorite of mine, because it makes me awake at night.

It used to be that 12 midnight is like 7 in the evening for me, it's just too early to sleep yet.

Well, I hope this will be for the better. . . but sometimes I do kinda like it when I don't sleep.

I find serenity when I am the only person awake in the middle of the night.

I love to just stay awake doing nothing until the morning comes.

It used to be that I can talk with a friend and only stop because the sun is up and it's time to go to sleep.

It used to be that the only sound I hear is that of a friend affirming that I was being listened to.

I love the quietness and the tranquility of the night.

I'm beginning to miss my Insomnia. . .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spotted: Facebook Shout Outs

I just read a Facebook shout out:

Congratulation to my son/daughter/sister/whoever for passing/completing/topping/whatever. .

Like do I care? and then worst of all the poster LIKED his own post. . WTF?

Would you like me to call CNN to announce it there too? Geeze. . .

It's not that you should not be proud of whatever it was that was achieved. . .

but do you really have to LIKE your own post?

My Goodness!


¿cómo está usted?

So how are you today?

It's a gloomy day.

Not so inspiring day to start a new blog but hey, I just started one.

The sun is hiding behind an unending span of white clouds which is actually a welcome sight.

WELCOME to my new Blog!
While writing this, Adele is looping on my Ipod with her song "Someone Like You" from her latest album "21".

What a great song to go with this weather.

Here she is singing at her home:

Great voice, Great Song.