Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Missed: My Insomnia

I have always had Insomnia.

I don't know why.

Maybe I was programmed with the sleeping chip missing in my motherboard.

However lately, I'm not having problems sleeping at all.

This is a good thing right? Well I guess so.

It used to be that I don't sleep in the afternoon because that would mean a 2am sleep that night.

It used to be that I don't drink iced tea, which is a favorite of mine, because it makes me awake at night.

It used to be that 12 midnight is like 7 in the evening for me, it's just too early to sleep yet.

Well, I hope this will be for the better. . . but sometimes I do kinda like it when I don't sleep.

I find serenity when I am the only person awake in the middle of the night.

I love to just stay awake doing nothing until the morning comes.

It used to be that I can talk with a friend and only stop because the sun is up and it's time to go to sleep.

It used to be that the only sound I hear is that of a friend affirming that I was being listened to.

I love the quietness and the tranquility of the night.

I'm beginning to miss my Insomnia. . .

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