Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Wonder: Why my Internet Connection is so slow!

I don't know if it is just my connection or is the internet really slow since the earthquake in Japan happened?

I saw some Plurks about it.

I also Plurked about it.

Ria told me that it was due to the earthquake and that some cables where cut.

I don't know what happened but it surely is annoying.

I could not even connect to to verify the speed of my connection.

This reminds me of the pre DSL connections. . .when I was still in dial up to connect to the internet.

Oh well, I guess this is better than nothing.

Am I thankful by the way that this slowing of my internet connection is the only consequence that I have to deal with after the Japan earthquake.

Still very thankful that the tsunami did not hit our country.

Thoughts and prayers are still for the Japanese who lost a lot in the tsunami.

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