Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Hits Japan Today

It's a tragic news.

Tsunami Slams Northern Japan After Massive 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Coast

I didn't even know about it until my cellphone received several sms of a tsunami warning.

I watched on the evening news how the waters arrived and washed away the cars, buildings and other things that got in the way.

Very tragic indeed. I'm pretty sure tomorrow we will have an actual assessment on how much damage was made.

Never mind the buildings and cars, human lives are far more valuable than the former.

It's another sad day for all of us.

I won't write much about the NEWS because i'm sure there will be a lot of sources for this.

I'm just bothered by what is happening to the world lately.

As I have said in my post yesterday. CARPE DIEM. Let's live everyday as if it were our last.

Live. . Pray. .Love.

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